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Maternity Sweet Bloom Photography Maternity Sweet Bloom Photography

Toledo Ohio Maternity Photoshoot

A pregnant woman holds her pregnant baby bump belly while gazing at the sunset in a field of wildflowers during a maternity photography session in Ann Arbor


A beautiful pregnant woman holds her baby bump belly while posing in a field of wildflowers at a sunset maternity photoshoot in Toledo Ohio
A beautiful pregnant woman hugs her belly baby bump while posing in a field of wildflowers during a sunset maternity photoshoot in Detroit

My jaw dropped when this expecting mama stepped out in that dress looking like a legit SUPER MODEL! This entire Toledo Ohio Maternity Photography Session gallery is amazing…it was painful to only share these 3, for now!

I am currently booking due dates through February 2024!

One of the most common questions I get about Toledo Ohio Maternity Photoshoots, is when is the best time to schedule them? I suggest maternity photography sessions take place when you are approximately 27-35 weeks pregnant. This is typically when you have a nice, round belly and you are still feeling pretty good. That last month of pregnancy can be really tough! Swelling can set in and you may not be feeling great, either. You also don’t want to schedule them too early—we want to show off that baby bump!

I have a few maternity dresses available for use in my client closet. I also send out a list of recommendations of where to shop for your own dress - I am here to help you the whole way! I love helping my clients plan their Toledo Ohio Maternity Photo Sessions!

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